Deep dive: UK GDPR and Research

UK GDPR provides specific provisions to assist the use of personal data in research, but it’s not a get out of jail free card – you have to take account of people’s rights, and consider minimisation and pseudonymisation.

The Data Protection Act contains a potentially powerful exemption for research in the public interest – but when can you use it? When is it appropriate to conduct research without telling people? This practical and no-nonsense course will help researchers and DPOs alike to work out when the GDPR applies in full, and when it might be relaxed.


  • Definition of special purposes

  • What is the definition of research for GDPR purposes?

  • Using special categories data for research

  • ICO guidance on Research

  • Pseudonymisation and anonymisation

  • Retention and disposal

  • The research exemption and how it applies

Recorded course only

£100 for recorded

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