FOI exemptions

Most FOI requests will seek information that can be disclosed, but some will ask for disclosures that cause risk. This practical, no-nonsense course will tell you how the exemptions work and when it is reasonable to refuse a request. What is the public interest, and how do you identify whose interests are really in play? When is it acceptable to withhold commercially sensitive data, and what is the overlap with confidentiality? How do you protect internal decisions, especially around decisions that haven’t been made yet? And when do you have to identify individuals?

Course includes:

  • Exemption types: absolute, prejudice and public interest test

  • Setting out the prejudice test

  • What is the public interest and how do you measure it?

  • Breakdown of all exemptions

  • Basic exemptions

  • National and international interests

  • Crime, law enforcement and public authority powers

  • Court records and legal advice

  • Internal discussions

  • Health and safety

  • Personal data and confidentiality

  • Commercial prejudice

Live, recorded or inhouse

9.30am, 3rd December 2024

£150.00 + VAT for one person live, £100 + VAT recorded or £500 in-house for up to 12 people

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