Eyes Down: CCTV + GDPR Essentials

Very few people actually used Closed Circuit Television these days, but nevertheless, CCTV is the name that sticks. This course will answer all your questions about using video surveillance. When can we use CCTV and for what purpose? Can we use it in secret? Who can you share images with? What happens if someone makes a subject access request for CCTV data? What does the ICO’s new guidance on video surveillance say?

All of these questions and more will be answered in this entertaining and practical course.


  • How to justify the use of CCTV – public task, legitimate interest

  • Implications of GDPR and Human Rights Privacy

  • Capturing / inferring special categories data

  • Cameras in private places

  • Using facial recognition, including the South Wales Police court case and the Serco enforcement

  • Key privacy cases including the Peck case on public space surveillance

  • Carrying out an impact assessment on a new or changing deployment of cameras

  • Dealing with subject access requests for CCTV images

  • Requests for disclosure from the police and others

  • What happens if your customers or tenants have CCTV systems

£175.00 + VAT for one person live / £100 + VAT for one person recorded / £500 + VAT for in-house (no limit on numbers)

9.30am, 7th October 2024

£175.00 + VAT

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