I run training courses, provide advice and assistance on UK GDPR and FOI matters, and carry out health checks and audits. You are not restricted to in-house versions of existing courses – you can mash up elements of any of them, or come up with something entirely new. If what you want is completely off-the-wall, I might include some development time in the quote but I only do this for big pieces of work.
A day’s training (roughly 9.30am / 10.00am – 4.00pm) costs £1000 + VAT. You can have a half day for £500 + VAT. There is no difference in price between online and in person, but in person sessions might involve travel / overnight stay and I will add expenses for that.
You can also book a meeting to answer questions or deal with tricky issues. You can have as little as 30 minutes for £50 + VAT. NB: this is only for issues that require no preparation.
There’s no limit on numbers of people attending live, but getting a recording of the course will cost extra.