Information Asset Owner Essentials

This practical and enjoyable course is designed to prepare people to carry out the Information Asset Owner role effectively. It includes an overview of the relevant laws and principles that apply, what information an asset owner needs to be aware of about their asset, and what kind of risks they need to be looking for, as well as how to deal with them.


  • Data Protection – what it asks you to do and why security, accuracy and access are the biggest risk; recent cases and the lessons you can learn from the Ministry of Defence fine in December

  • Freedom of Information – what problems it can pose

Your role as an Information Asset Owner:

  • The SIRO and their role

  • How the process works

  • What is an information asset?

  • What is your asset?

  • Understanding the asset and the data you are responsible for

  • Carrying out an information risk assessment

  • Supporting a proactive approach to managing information, including investigating incidents and concerns

Information risk

  • What has happened to other UK organisations, and how could their incidents / enforcement action have been prevented?

  • What is risk appetite – where are the areas where risks are more / less acceptable?

  • What risks do you face?

  • Disclosure e.g. the PSNI breach

  • Loss / theft of data

  • Storage of data

  • Disposal of Data

  • Contractors and their relative lack of legal liability

  • How do you deal with those risks?

  • Removing, mitigating, and living with information risks

  • Data Protection Impact Assessments, Data Protection by Design


£500 + VAT for half-day or £1000 + VAT for a full day

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