A brief word from our sponsors

by | Apr 3, 2018 | Uncategorized

I haven’t blogged in a while because of a heavy workload, inspired by the oncoming train / Sword of Damocles / impending apocalypse that May 25th represents. In the meantime, permit me to do a bit of advertising.

Believe it or not, GDPR is for life, not just the 25th May 2018.

So if you intend to run a business, charity, public authority or other organisation, and what to know about GDPR Rights like the Right to be Forgotten, Subject Access or Portability, if you want to know what PECR means for marketing or fundraising, or if you just want to know how GDPR works, I am running courses in May that can help you. I’ve been a DP Officer, I have 17 years of data protection experience, and I use my DP rights to track down and control my data, so I can show you what’s good and bad across the DP world.

The courses are GDPR Rights in London and Manchester, GDPR and Marketing in London, and GDPR SOS for the second time in London – all at the end of May, all £250 + VAT. I’m not doing any courses on the 25th May itself as I will be using my Data Protection rights for wholly mischievous purposes against people who deserve it. Expect to read blogs about that in the future.

Find out more about the courses here: https://2040training.co.uk/gdprcourses/

Book here: https://2040training.co.uk/booking-form/